Is a Raccoon As Innocent As It Looks? Can a Raccoon Harm?

Is a Raccoon As Innocent As It Looks? Can a Raccoon Harm?

Raccoons have often been misunderstood creatures throughout Canada. These animals can cause damage and a lot of grief for homeowners, yet there is also a potentially aggressive side to raccoons. That’s why it is wise to contact a raccoon removal service in Markham. This is hard to accept due to the somewhat unassuming appearance of the animals, yet raccoons can indeed be violent if the situation calls for it. It should be understood that raccoons are wild animals, which means the animals are feral and far from domesticated, despite their affinity for human habitats. Therein lies the misunderstanding with these animals; unassuming, even cuddly outside exteriors, but wild behavioural traits that can make them potentially dangerous. Trying to rid raccoons from your property is a mistake and this process should always be left to a raccoon removal specialist if for any other reason, to align with Canadian regulations and to save yourself from potentially harmful diseases.

Raccoons cannot necessarily kill a person with their claws or teeth, rather, the animals are dangerous due to the diseases and ailments they can pass to human beings and pets. These animals are known vectors of rabies, as well as leptospirosis and a range of potential parasites that humans can contract from handling raccoon feces or waste. Raccoon waste should always be left to a raccoon removal specialist as well to prevent contracting leptospirosis and numerous types of parasitic worms. This leaves the potentially painful and dangerous notion of cornering a raccoon that will see the animal attack. This typically occurs when humans attempt to use force to scare raccoons away. Cornering a raccoon will trigger a fight or flight response in the animal. If the animal chooses not to flee or, cannot flee due to one reason or another, the animal will quickly go into attack mode targeting the legs, torso, or even a person’s arms or head.

All it takes is one scratch or bite from a raccoon infected with rabies to transfer the dangerous condition to a human being. Alternatively, domestic pets are also prone to see this happen a bit more frequently. Dogs and cats may choose to engage with a wild raccoon a lot more freely than a person. This is how rabies is easily transferred between animals and potentially humans. Although raccoons may appear small in stature and are popular models for toys and stuffed animals, there is nothing at all sweet and unassuming about these animals.

If you are experiencing a raccoon invasion on your property, securing your garbage cans and recycling bins with straps is a must to keep the raccoons from getting what they want. Other precautions should be taken to eliminate their potential food sources throughout your yard. Never attempt to remove a raccoon or try and scare the animals away. This will only cause the raccoons to act more aggressively toward you. Consult a raccoon removal specialist immediately to have the animals safely eliminated from your property. It is better to be safe and follow regulations.