Raccoon Babies

Raccoon Deck Exclusion Involving Baby Raccoon and Adult Raccoon in Old Toronto

Exterior Inspection  Raccoons are an iconic wildlife pest in the city of Toronto. Whoever thinks of Toronto will think of raccoons. While these animals are fun to observe, raccoons can be very problematic wildlife animals that can wreak havoc on the property wherever the raccoon stays. If you have raccoons on the property and need …

Raccoon Deck Exclusion Involving Baby Raccoon and Adult Raccoon in Old Toronto Read More »

raccoon wandering on property

Will a Mother Raccoon Come Back For Her Babies?

Female raccoons, like humans, have an unstoppable drive because all mammals experience a flight or fight instinct when met with a predator except for females with children. They have something called the love hormone, or the bonding hormone. Their brain is capable of rapidly producing a very dangerous chemical drug that is illegal in most …

Will a Mother Raccoon Come Back For Her Babies? Read More »

raccoon roundworm in humans

Will Ammonia Deter Raccoons?

It’s not ammonia that deters them, it’s the urine of their predators. Wolves and coyotes are their predators. Canines like dogs hunt feline creatures like cats and raccoons. Humans cannot eat them as our bodies have gotten used to cooked food over the past seventy thousand years. We cannot eat any meat that is raw, …

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young raccoon

Why Are There So Many Raccoons In Cities

Raccoons are specific in their function in this ecosystem. They have been here before humans and evolved, like us, from the very first mammal morganucodontids, which is a tiny shrew or mouse-sized creature that lived in caves and burrows beneath the might of the dinosaurs 210 million years ago. The raccoon is very much that …

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raccoon baby family

Where Do Raccoons Live During The Day?

Raccoons are nocturnal and carnivores, they are related to the feline and have the ability to eat almost anything including long-dead cadavers. This makes the raccoon an excellent night stalker and allows them to eat just about anything. In the daytime they tend to sleep in their dens, females during the baby season will often …

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