Do Raccoons Eat Berries

Do Raccoons Eat Berries?

Raccoons are omnivores. They will eat practically anything, including berries. If you grow them, and there are raccoons in your area, you might want to cover them with mesh so that raccoons don’t get at them. Raccoons will happily eat the berries you grow in the yard. While they may look cute, raccoons are dangerous to have around. They carry disease and risk causing a tremendous amount of damage to your property. Call Raccoon Control if there are raccoons invading your garden. We provide effective raccoon-proofing and raccoon removal in the Toronto area.

In many languages, raccoons are called “washing bears” because of their affinity for wetting their food in water. They like to sit on the edges of streams and ponds and catch things like crayfish, frogs, fish, and eggs. Raccoons are excellent swimmers. In the wild, they swim around and steal the eggs of birds and reptiles from their nests, posing a threat to endangered species. Raccoons eat whatever they find in the forest and in the city. These “trash pandas” are famous for dumpster diving and stealing food. They eat insects, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, meats, and fungi.

Why You Shouldn’t Feed Raccoons

Feeding raccoons makes them dependent on you. If they come to you for food, they might reproduce to a point that is unsustainable. Getting close to these animals can also be very dangerous to your health. Raccoons are unvaccinated, wild animals that carry disease. In Ontario, one can assume that roughly half of all the raccoons here have roundworm, which can be fatal to humans and their pets. They might also get scared and attack you directly. It is best that you keep your distance from these animals, so they do not overpopulate or cause you any harm.

If you feed raccoons on your property, you significantly increase your chances or having raccoons break into your house. Raccoons like to den in attics and under the porches of homes where they can find food. Allowing one to den on your property will cause a serious amount of damage. Raccoons leave huge piles of feces near their dens, which smell awful and risk spreading roundworm. Raccoons in the attic will ruin the insulation, break cables, and expose the attic to the elements while posing a health risk to you and your family. Stop feeding them so they den somewhere else.

Call Raccoon Control for Help

Protect your roof and the exterior of your property so you can avoid a raccoon problem. Keep your roof in good condition and call a professional to have it excluded from wildlife. At Raccoon Control, we offer guaranteed raccoon-proofing in addition to humane removal. We cover roof vents and other vulnerabilities so that raccoons don’t get inside. Call us today for an inspection. A technician can find every potential entry point on your property and raccoon-proof it for you. Our services come with a guarantee and warranty of up to 2 years.