Do Raccoons Hibernate in the Winter

Do Raccoons Hibernate in the Winter?

Raccoons are very common in Canadian cities and suburbs. They do very well near humans, feeding on our garbage and denning in our yards. These are smart, adaptable creatures that often go undetected. Because they are nocturnal, they usually only come out at night. So, while you might not see them very often, raccoons are active year-round. They do not hibernate. Raccoons are omnivores that simply change their diets with the seasons. Call us today if you are worried about the raccoons in your area. We offer humane raccoon removal and exclusion in the Toronto area.

Raccoons do not hibernate, but they do spend more time in their dens when it is cold out. They slow down their activity and preserve energy. In some cases of extreme weather, raccoons will den in groups to share warmth. They den in tree cavities, abandoned burrows, sheds, attics, and porches. Any dark, enclosed space where a raccoon can fit will do. Raccoons that want to den in the attic break their way through by pushing on soffits or tearing through vents. They might also tear at the shingles and make holes in the side of the roof.

Signs There is a Raccoon in Your Attic

Raccoons are very destructive. When one is living in your attic, you may find that there is a hole on the side of the roof, or signs of damage. You might also hear some movement happening in the attic at night. Raccoons are heavy and tend to make noises like a human walking or dragging their feet on the floor of the attic. Other signs include the presence of animal feces on the roof or in the attic. Raccoons will also damage the insulation in there and cause terrible odours. If you can take a look in the attic, examine the insulation and take note of any bad smells.

Raccoons need a warm place to stay throughout the winter, but that does not mean that they should make themselves at home in your attic. Leaving a hole in the roof will expose your attic to rain and snow, which will ruin your insulation and cause mold. Droppings will make your home smell terrible and put you at risk of illness, as well. It’s important that you have the animal removed as soon as possible. The earlier it is in the season, the better. Professionals offer humane raccoon removal, so you don’t have to worry about the animal getting hurt. It will find another place to den.

Contact us for Humane Raccoon Removal

The technicians at Raccoon Control are ready to help. We provide humane, affordable, and reliable raccoons removal services throughout the GTA. To remove the animals, we first conduct a thorough inspection, then we attach a one-way door to the entrance of the animal’s den. When it wants to go out and feed, the raccoon simply pushes its way through the door. Once out, it cannot get back inside. In addition to removal, we offer comprehensive exclusion in which we seal and protect every vulnerability on the roof. Call Raccoon Control today for guaranteed raccoon removal.