raccoon wandering on property

Raccoon Keeps Stealing Bait From The Trap

Raccoons have semi opposable thumbs and are not to be trifled with. They are fast and skilled and great climbers and swimmers. So trying to trap one will indeed take a very long time. The best thing is to bait the trap with something more than just a morsel. Putting more food in the cage, enough that they will be full for the night will likely get them to stay in the cage longer and to enter it with less guile. If that doesn’t work then all you can do is wait. Some people have been waiting more than 6 months to catch an animal on their property and many end up giving up. Many companies will offer this service. It usually involves coming every morning to check the trap. If nothing is in it, it will be reset and rebaited with fresh food. Normally, as most companies don’t work on the weekend, the trap is closed on Friday and reopened on Monday. While this is an option it is dangerous and inhumane. There is a chance the animal will die either waiting in the trap for it to be opened or may get injured by the mechanism. Inhumane traps like bear traps and leg snares are entirely illegal in Ontario and will come with a harsh fine. You can use a cage trap or other safe trapping methods. However, in any trapping situation, the animal is always in danger of dying or suffering some injury.

raccoon eating from open garbage container
Raccoons are carrion feeders, they do not hunt for food they collect it. when an animal is killed by a predator the raccoon will wait for them to leave and then drag the corpse into its den, which in this case may be your attic.

If you want to try trapping yourself the best options for raccoons are food like cat food and canned tuna and salmon. They love wet food and they love to fish and eat aquatic food. If you want to go a bit more into it you can try leaving muscles or shrimp. Leave it in a bowl of water as that is how they like to eat their food by taking it out of or dipping it in water. This will get them to stay and eat and drink and make it more likely they will get caught by the locking door. If a raccoon is wandering on your property, trapping may not be needed. Does your property have accessible garbage and an accessible water source? Do you feed pets or children outside? Bird feeders and birdbaths and a leaky hosen are enough to bring a raccoon to your property and a host of other animals.