raccoon poop on shed

Can Tape Worm in Raccoon Feces Survive Low Temperatures?

Sadly, the tapeworm can easily survive winter temperatures. It needs to be frozen solid for many days at -31F before the tapeworm will die. If inside a raccoon corpse or feces they can survive even colder temperatures. Disposing of raccoon poop is no safer in the winter than it is in the heat of summer.

A tapeworm is a parasitic organism that looks like a flat white worm. It lives in the digestive tract and uses its hooks and suckers to consume food. These worms can get very long and risk filling the digestive tract and causing death.

The head of the worm attaches to the person or animal’s intestinal wall and absorbs nutrients from the host. It can also lay eggs that will grow into new tapeworms.

Tapeworms can survive in cold temperatures but they will remain inactive and unable to move or attack a host. Though it won’t kill them, when the temperature increases they will become active again.

If you have a raccoon latrine in your backyard or attic then it is guaranteed that there will be tapeworms. Tapeworms can survive for months in raccoon feces, no matter the temperature. So if raccoons poop all over your yard and in your attic there is a good chance someone in your family will get a tapeworm infection and have to go to the hospital to have it cured. Thankfully that is not too difficult these days.

Now clearly if you have raccoon poop all over the place you’ll want to clean it. That’s a massive job, why not call a professional raccoon feces removal expert? We have all the tools and eco-friendly, safe cleaning products needed to completely rid you not only of the poop but the risk of infection as well.

The choice is clear, call Raccoon Control today.
