How Does Raccoon Roundworm Affect Squirrels

How Does Raccoon Roundworm Affect Squirrels?

Raccoon roundworm, or Baylisascaris procyonis, is an intestinal parasite whose primary hosts are raccoons. While it does not kill raccoons, it is fatal to other species, like squirrels. Roundworm eggs are spread in an infected animal’s feces, which become airborne or picked up off the ground. Once ingested, the eggs move into their host’s intestinal tract, where they become adults. Roundworm causes a plethora of health issues and is very dangerous. If you are worried about the wildlife in your area, give us a call. We offer humane raccoon control and exclusion services that keep wildlife out of the house.

Raccoon roundworm is the most common cause of neurological disease in squirrels. Squirrels pick up the worm by rummaging in raccoon feces, looking for seeds, then come down with symptoms such as a lack of coordination and a loss of balance. This is because raccoon roundworm behaves differently in other animals. Instead of staying in the animal’s gut, like it does in raccoons, it tends to migrate to other parts of the body, like the cerebellum. Here, the parasite affects the host’s motor skills. Eventually, sick squirrels may go blind and even fall into a coma. Most will die.

How to Avoid Raccoon Roundworm

Roughly half of the raccoons you see outside have raccoon roundworm. If you want to keep the squirrels in your neighbourhood safe, the best thing you can do is make your property less attractive to raccoons. Keep garbage out of reach, in lidded cans with locks or bungee cords. Maintain the yard and pick up fallen fruit and acorns. Protect your vegetable patch with mesh or row covers and don’t leave any pet food outside. For bonus protections, set up a raccoon deterrent on your roof or somewhere in the garden. Raccoons are nocturnal animals that are deterred by things like flashing lights and high-pitched sounds.

How to Clean Up Raccoon Poop

If there is a pile of raccoon poop on your property, consider calling a professional wildlife service for decontamination. They can remove the feces safely. If you want to do it yourself, spray the feces with a disinfectant, generously, then put on a mask and a pair of disposable gloves. Scoop the feces into a plastic bag, then seal it shut. To make sure that there are no surviving roundworm eggs, pour boiling water onto the surface you cleaned. If you cannot use boiling water, use steam. You may also want to throw out anything that is dirtied by raccoon feces.

Contact Raccoon Control today if you suspect that there are raccoons on your property. We offer comprehensive inspections, removals, exclusions, and disinfections. We can determine if there are raccoons on your property, then get rid of them humanely. Raccoon roundworm is a very dangerous parasites that is fatal to both squirrels and humans. Keep your distance from raccoons and have them removed immediately if they are denning on your property. Contact us at 647-557-7932 today.