How Long Do Raccoons Live In Captivity?

Raccoons in captivity are an entirely different species from raccoons on the outside. In captivity, a raccoon can live for decades and become very old indeed. They can go through dozens of mating seasons and have massive families. This is not how raccoons function in the wild at all. They do not act familial to each other in any way. Raccoons in the wild are violent dangerous and aggressive towards humans. If you have been to a zoo and seen a family of raccoons happy safe and something you can pet and hug but that is because they have been treated by a vet. In the wild raccoons is a serious threat to human health. They produce a parasite called raccoon roundworm. This parasite is very dangerous and fast-acting. It can cover your body in lesions, every organ from the liver to the eyes. They are also prone to rabies. So much so that they are referred to as the vector species for it. This means that if you see a raccoon acting odd. Making strange sounds wandering around in a circle or lying on its back you need to stay away from it and call the humane society to pick it up. Professional wildlife companies do not handle rabies-infected raccoons. That is the job of the ministry of the environment controls all aspects of pest control and the protection of native wildlife like raccoons and skunks. Before taking action because an animal is on your property think about that animal and what it’s doing. Skunks have a mating season that lasts for months and if they wander on your property they will spray each other. It is not about your property it’s about their life cycle. While animals in captivity may be cute, a wild one on your lawn is not safe. Stay away from it, it will likely be gone in the morning.

Family of raccoon babies
While raccoons are treated for roundworm and rabies in captivity, along with a host of other injections and medial procedures like flea injections, wild ones are not for petting.

If you have an animal in your home or your attic then it is time to call a professional. Most events of this type result from open garbage or food left on the property. If you live in an area with lots of wildlife take special precautions to limit their access to food and water. Birdbaths and feeders seem fun but it’s not just birds that will eat it. Take precautions and you will not have to worry about wild animals on your property.