Importance of Disinfection After Raccoon Feces Removal

Importance of Disinfection After Raccoon Feces Removal

Raccoons poop everywhere. They don’t think about it they just poop. They will do it on your roof, in your attic, on your porch, or under it. They will poop in your basement, on your driveway and if they could get them, they would poop on your bed.

But once you finish shovelling it into garbage bags, what next? You cant leave the area un-sterilized. Raccoon poop can contain dangerous diseases.

So how do you disinfect the area after a raccoon used it as a latrine? Well, we must start with where the latrine is. Is it in your attic? On your deck or in your back yard?

If the latrine is outside you can sterilize the area by digging up a few feet of soil from under the latrine and disposing of it in garbage bags. The tools you use must be disposed of or boiled as they will be covered in roundworm eggs. You can also light a fire over the area to help sterilize it.

If the latrine is in your house you will have to remove it along with the insulation and then use cleaners and boiling water to sterilize the floor of the latrine. The insulation will have to be disposed of in sealed bags and locked garbage cans because raccoons are attracted to their own poop and will rip the bags up.

The importance of sterilizing after raccoon feces removal is truly the most important part of the process. If you fail the sterilize the area after removal you may as well have just left it there because the health dangers are the same.

There is an enormous number of illnesses you can get from the latrine in your attic and even from you cleaned off your deck. They all must be sterilized to protect you, your family and your pets.