Baby raccoons found in attic

CASE STUDY: Raccoon Babies Inside Attic In Markham


In this case we talk about the removal of baby raccoons and the full exclusion of a home and garage attic to prevent raccoons from entering the space.

A suburb of Toronto, Markham is located just northwest of the province’s capital. Having seen significant development over the past few decades, Markham has become home to the headquarters of many national and international organizations.

Housing development has also increased drastically, particularly along the Hwy. 7 corridor. Many high-rise buildings have popped up along this stretch as well as many shopping complexes.


Markham Civic Center
Markham Civic Center

Northern Markham as become an attractive area for many who work in the city and its neighbourhoods are lines with single-family homes. Many parks and golf courses can be found throughout Markham.

Inspection for Raccoon Intrusion

We were called to this home in Markham after the homeowner noticed increased raccoon activity on the property. We were informed that this was an issue that had been going on for several years. The customer was concerned that the animals had moved into the attic through a hole.

Our certified wildlife technician was dispatched to preform a full assessment of the property, both inside the attic and around the perimeter of the home. We quickly identified the entry point into the attic at a soffit intersection on the roof. Soffit intersections are especially vulnerable due to their angular construction, which allows racoons to position themselves in such a way that they can push up and pop the soffit. Wildlife is often able to breach through the sheet metal and chew through the subroof to gain access into the attic.

Baby raccoons found in attic
Baby raccoons were discovered in the attic and placed in an insulated box to later be reunited with their mother.

Because we suspected the presence of babies, our technician is required to perform a physical search of the space. We entered the attic and found a handful of baby raccoons. Our technician was able to remove them in a humane way and place them in an insulated box in order to relocate them to an outdoor area nearby. This will allow the mother to find them and ensure they are taken care of.

Raccoon Exclusion Installation

The primary goal when we have a breach into an attic is to seal the entry point with galvanized steel mesh. Because there is the potential for animals to still be present inside the attic, we install a one-way-door at the entry point as well. This structure will allow for the animals to exit the attic in a safe way yet prevent them from re-entering. The door is removed after a few weeks later when we return for a follow up.

Raccoon one way door installation in Markham
A raccoon one-way-door was installed to allow any remining animals to vacate the attic.

Because the customer’s concerns that the raccoons or any other wildlife could enter the attic again, we also secured all roof vents and plumbing vents as extra protection. These roof features are usually made of plastic and are susceptible to being chewed through by raccoons or squirrels. During colder weather, wildlife is attracted to them as they emit heat from the home. Our galvanized steel mesh covers ensure the animals have to access to them.

Exclusion installation on soffit intersection
A soffit intersection was secured with galvanized steel mesh.
PVC-coated steel mesh roof vent covers
Galvanized steel mesh covers were used to seal off all roof and plumbing vents.

One additional are of concern was found in the garage soffit area which gave access to the home’s attic. Because the garage door is often left open, the customer wanted to be certain that animals would not use this access area to enter the attic again. We secured it with galvanized steel mesh as well.

Galvanized steel mesh against raccoons
A section of the garage soffit was blocked to prevent entry into the home’s attic.

Our technician returned several weeks later to remove and seal the one-way-door and ensure all installations remained secure.


When urban raccoon activity persists over months or years, it is only a matter of time before they find their way into a shed, a garage, under a deck, or into an attic. These confined spaces are perfect for wildlife to hide from predators and to nest. They offer not only confinement but also warmth during the colder days of the year.

Our certified wildlife technicians are trained in identifying common and uncommon entry points into homes through walls and roofs. They will then plan the best solution to not only vacate animals from the spaces but also secure any potential points of entry to fully eliminate the problem. Contact us to deal with the removal of raccoons from your attic.

All our work comes with a 2-year warranty to give our customers peace of mind. If wildlife returns to the property, we will return and repair or replace all our installations.